Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Grist - Beer made from sorghum and rice extract

New Grist - Beer made from sorghum and rice extract Lake fron Brewery, Milwaukee, WI

This is not New England brew per-se but to interesting to be skipped. When I poured this beer, I was
first confused whether this is not a white-wine. And this thought stayed with me the whole time.
It has a crispy, fresh foam top and its body color could easily make it pass as a white wine. It is
light and golden. Also the smell was pleasently dry and a little sweet. And this is exactly how it
tastes, as if someone blended a white-wine with a light summer beer. But in the good way. It has
a dry fruityness in its taste, some notes of hops and an unintrusive bitterness.

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