Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our Finest Regards

Our Finest Regards, Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project. Westport, MA

The bottle strikes your eyes with one of the strangest covers ever on a beer bottle: A man with a shovel on a field, accompanied by a rabbit and another, unidentifiable rodent. They stand on a field and stare into a hidden stash of booze. WTF? Anyhow, this ale is your friend right from the beginning. Thick brown, long-lived brown foam on the top. Smells of hops and chocolate greet the beer connoiseur. The ale has a thick, opaque color of deep red-orange brown. It tastes very intense of sweet malts and chocolate and tells you that it has the same nutritional value as a good steak. But in liquid. This is awesome. So why not just make this your dinner instead?

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