Monday, January 16, 2012

Righteous Ale

This ale, hailing from Sixpoint brewery in Brooklyn, N.Y., greets you from a shiny silver can. I poured a can right that came right out of the fridge. The color was a thick opaque hazelnut brown with a thick white/brown foam on top that lasted for some two minutes before leaving a thick, dark brown edge at the glass. The smell of the ale is fresh and of hops with a strong hint of citrus fruits. Taking the first sip, the ale wins the happy drinker over with its mildness and its perfectly-bitter taste. After the first sip, it stays leaves an enjoyable aftertaste which is never too strong. Even after 30 seconds one can still enjoy some aftertaste of fruit and hops. Having a alcohol content of 6.3% by volume certainly helps enjoying this fine Ale.
Score: 6/6


  1. It's a beer that actually tastes good coming from a can? I'm amazed. I'm also amazed that you obviously have too much time on your hands, but since you're writing about alcohol I'm okay with that :)

  2. How can you be too busy for beer? That's impossible and I got 2 mathematical proofs for that.
